Restaurants and Dining in Spanish

Learn Spanish phrases for dining and ordering food in a restaurant.


Food is an important topic in any language. That's why you need to know how to order food, buy a drink, or reserver a table for a group of people. This Spanish lesson includes phrases that will enable you to communicate about food and drinks in Spanish. Take you time to pick the ones you like the most and try to memorize them. In addition, you will become familiar with Spanish translations for words as breakfast, lunch, dinner, and many others.

Spanish phrase        English translation
zumo juice
jugo juice
agua mineral mineral water
agua con gas sparkling water
cerveza beer
vino tinto red wine
vino blanco white wine
¿Te gustaría beber algo? Would you like something to drink?
La cuenta por favor. The check, please.
La entrada incluye una bebida. The entrée includes a beverage.
La entrada incluye una consumición. The entrée includes a beverage.
¿Dejaste propina? Did you leave a tip?
¿Cuánto se da de propina en España? How much do you leave for a tip in Spain?
De primero, lleva sopa. The first course is soup.
Vamos a ir a comer el viernes. We're going out for a meal on Friday.
¿Tienes algo de leche? Do you have some milk?
¿Tienes un poco de leche? Do you have some milk?
Camarero, traígame un poco de agua por favor. Waiter, please bring me some water.
Date prisa y pon la mesa para cenar. Hurry up and set the table for dinner.
Queremos cuentas separadas. We'd like separate checks.
¿Qué desea beber? What would you like to drink?

Index of Spanish phrases for restaurants

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